Creating Collateral

Everyone loves a good story… but not everyone loves the same story.

If your story (or, marketing message) is not seen as ‘relevant’ it won’t be read. You need to ensure you have segmented your content to achive the highest possible ‘hit rate’.

Are your tools and systems setup for optimal ongoing communication

Two elements are essential:

  • Content Creation – interesting, relevant and timely.
  • Content Distribution – those that your target audience actually use.

Content example: Mini Case Studies

The can easily be created using the output from the client engagement activities in Step 1.

  • Existing Clients: Staying in touch for reassurance, improved retention, to protect price positioning, repeat purchase and to encourage referrals.
  • Prospects: Use client successes to reassure and persuade potential new clients to ‘cross the line’ and make the all-importantfirst purchase decision.

Testimonials with your ‘company comments’ and case studies can be used to create news items. This provides your business with a steady stream of highly relevant, interesting, timely ‘content’ to add to your website and your business social media. Highly targeted email marketing to your clients and prospects is now possible. This also provides you with raw material for PR editorial where appropriate.

Creating content is not enough… It needs to be distributed…

Now your clients are being interviewed, with unhappy clients and the causes of dissatisfaction being addressed. Happy clients are being looked after in a way that maximises engagement, retention, cross sales and referrals. Content is being created for communicating and the communications tools are in place ready to go, what next?

You may think your business is ‘Referral Ready,’ but staff are typically NOT ‘on message’, do you record the ‘need drivers’ that trigger purchase decisions and are your marketing messages clear and consistent…  The bottom line; your business probably needs to do a bit more to make it easy for third parties to make referrals, (and for your business to enjoy the benefits of increased conversion ratios).

Creating interesting, relevant content for communications, what’s your story?

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