Project Example

Our aim is to understand the strength / feeling of the supplier / customer relationship to identify any potential (or risk) to further development – this is done through a telephone interview.

Why do businesses run this type of project?

  • Increase ‘client retention’.
  • Identifying referral opportunities.
  • Highlighting customer stories to  create compelling testimonials / case studies.
  • Identifying potential sales / service opportunities (upsell / cross sell) with existing customers.
  • Benchmarking ‘customer care’ and identifying previous unknown ‘issues’.
  • Supporting certification / accreditation e.g. ISO 9001.

Who to interview and why?

There are 5 key things to consider when choosing who to interview based on your desired objectives:

  1. Important Clients: To improve your ‘relationship’ and ensure any ‘issues’ are identified and dealt with asap.
  2. Sample of ‘other’ clients: To identify the things that cause dissatisfaction, approx. % of clients impacted and strength of feeling… to feed the ‘continuous improvement’ process.
  3. Cross Sale Potential: Clients who are probably ripe for ‘cross selling’, make sure they are happy before introducing other services.
  4. Referral Potential: Ideally you would request referrals from everyone interviewed… first, make sure they are happy, then make them happier, then ask for referrals.
  5. Case Study Candidates: Interview clients who could deliver a good case study, ensure they are happy, make them happier then ask for a case study, and THEN ask for referrals.

How the does the interview work?

  1. Contacts identified.
  2. Contacts notified via email by [Company].
  3. Interviews conducted.
  4. Interview summary sent immediately via email.
  5. Summary report on completion of contact cycle.
  6. Review and next steps.

– There is no time limit on the discussion, the longest to date is 45 minutes.
– A maximum of 10 attempts made to reach each contact.
– Average interview completion rate 80%.

What questions are asked?

  1. What stands out about the service you receive from [Company]? (Open question)
  2. Would you recommend [Company]? (Yes/No)
  3. Do you have a specific member of the team you work with? (If relevant)
  4. How would you rate the services provided on a 5 point scale?
    a. Is / was the service delivered as promised?
    b. How valuable do you find the service received?
    c. Were they considerate and helpful?
    d. Please rate the quality of communication
  5. If anything, how could [Company] further enhance the services they offer? (Open question)

Initial investment

  • The ‘Client Engagement Audit’ starts at only £499 (+VAT) for 10 contacts.


  • Usually 4-6 weeks to complete the ‘project’ (regardless of the number of contacts included).

Considerations after the audit?

  • Are the responses generated from this group representative of the client base?
  • How should the business respond to the output from the audit (good and bad)?
  • How to leverage the content created?
  • What engagement programme should be implemented throughout the remaining client base?

Post interview actions / Content Creation

For example, this might include;

  • Contacting the client to review the output, discuss services, referrals etc.
  • Client testimonials posted on the company website with a company comment.
  • A company response to the feedback emailed to the client.
  • Social media content.
  • Creation of case studies if targeting specific market sectors (template example attached)
  • Creation of ‘video’ content.

Ongoing interviews

We are flexible on this as long as we have a minimum average of 5 contacts per month.

Example Outcomes

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